Volledige versie bekijken : Solve Windows blue/red screens of death

20 December 2006, 20:26
Omdat ik dus zelf een enorm probleem heb met me harde schijf en een bsod kreeg, besloot ik om een tutorial op me site te plaatsen.

Ik wil hem graag met jullie delen.

The blue screen of death

Windows 9x example:


Windows xp - 2000 example:


The Blue Screen of Death (sometimes called "bluescreen", "stop error" or just abbreviated as "BSoD") is a popular name for the screen displayed by Microsoft's Windows operating system when it cannot recover from, or is in danger of being unable to recover from, a system error. There are two Windows error screens that are both referred to as the blue screen of death, with one (Windows NT 4/2000/XP) being significantly more serious than the other (Windows 9x). There are several causes of the blue screen popping up. It can be a poorly-written device driver, bad memory, damaged registry or usage of incompatible versions of DLLs (see more on the "Types of blue screens" section).
A very large blue screen of death displayed on top of a CVS/Pharmacy on the Las Vegas Strip.
A very large blue screen of death displayed on top of a CVS/Pharmacy on the Las Vegas Strip.

The blue screen of death in one form or another has been present in all Windows operating systems since Windows version 3.1. It is the successor of the less well-known black screen of death that occurs in OS/2 as well as MS-DOS[1]. In early builds of Windows Vista it was complemented with a red screen of death, used for boot loader errors.

How to solve this problem (xp - me)?

Getting such a blue screen of death message?

Your PC normally auto reboots when it gets such an error and try to fix it itself. You have to know the error code which is at the last line of the error message, but due of the fast auto reboot it is impossible to write this down on a piece of paper --> solution: disable the auto reboot on such error messages.

Disable auto rebooting when having bsods (xp- win 2000):

Use the windows startup menu. This is how to:
With some computers if you press and hold a key as the computer is booting you will get a stuck key message. If this occurs, instead of pressing and holding the "F8 key", tap the "F8 key" continuously until you get the startup menu. This should look something like below:

http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/7638/bootmenuxpkh0.th.jpg (http://img179.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bootmenuxpkh0.jpg)

Now select this "Disable auto reboot on system errors" or something like that and press enter. Your PC will continue booting and will stuck at the error message.

Windows 95 startup menu:

To get into Windows 95 startup menu, as the computer is booting, when you either hear a beep or when you see the message "Starting Windows 95", press your F8 key on the top of your keyboard.

Windows 98 - me startup menu:

To get into Windows 98 / ME startup menu, as the computer is booting press and hold your "F8 key" on the top of your keyboard or press and hold the left or right Ctrl key as the computer is booting. If done properly you should get into the "Windows 98 / ME Startup Menu".

Note: With some computers if you press and hold a key as the computer is booting you will get a stuck key message. If this occurs, instead of pressing and holding the "F8 key", tap the "F8 key" continuously until you get the startup menu.


If this would be the error message:

A problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown to prevent damage to your computer.


If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:

Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any updates you might need.

If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disale BIOS memory options ssuch as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, adn then select safe mode.

Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x000000ED(0x86F09AA0,0x000009c,0x00000000,0x00000 000)This error message is a cause of damaged systemfiles

- Look at the last line: 0x000000ED
- This error code is the most important thing about the whole message!
- Now go to http://www.microsoft.com/en/us/default.aspx and copy that code into the search box at the right top of the website and press enter.
- Now you should see all possible information about the error code with instructions about what to do. Link: Cick on me (http://search.microsoft.com/results.aspx?mkt=en-US&mkt=en-US&q=0x000000ED&x=169&y=21)
- The solution for this error message would be:

Start up the computer with the recovery console (using the windows startup menu, explained above) and type this at the DOS screen: chkdsk /r
to recover the volume. After checking the volume, check your hardware to find the cause of the damaged files.- Or just copy the code at google and try figuring out over there how to solve your problem

I hope this tutorial helped you a lil' bit.

The red screen of death

Windows Vista:


The Red Screen of Death (abbreviated RSoD, sometimes called "Red Screen of Doom") is a nickname for the error message which exists in some beta versions of Microsoft's upcoming operating system, Windows Vista. It was dropped in Build 5112 of Windows Vista. It can also be found (but rarely) in versions of Microsoft's Windows 98 operating system.

The red screen of death appeared when boot loader errors occurred. Windows Vista continues to have blue screens for other types of errors.

The red screen of death also sometimes refers to fatal errors in recent versions of Lotus Notes. These errors are not full-screen like the Microsoft red or blue screens of death, but rather are bright red boxes with black borders.

The RSoD uses 80×25 text mode.

Change color

This is how to change the color of a bsod error message.

When you receive a STOP error, Windows displays the STOP on a Blue screen, hence the name BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death).
If you prefer a Red screen with White text, or any other color combination that is easier for you to see:
1. Open %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM.INI in Notepad.exe.
2. Locate the [386enh] section.
3. If the MessageBackColor= and MessageTextColor= entries are present, change them. Otherwise, add them to the end of the section. To have a Red screen with White text, use:
Using the following codes (case is important):
0 = black
1 = blue
2 = green
3 = cyan
4 = red
5 = magenta
6 = brown
7 = white
8 = gray
9 = bright blue
A = bright green
B = bright cyan
C = bright red
D = bright magenta
E = bright yellow
F = bright white

4. Save the changes to the %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM.INI file.
5. Shutdown and restart your computer.

Als jullie er fouten zouden in vinden (alvast sorry hiervoor, gelieve dit dan ff te posten en ik zal het dan zo snel mogelijk corrigeren. Fouten maken is menselijk