Volledige versie bekijken : Her-installeren Windows-7 via image en/of virtuele omgeving

13 February 2011, 18:21

Na een tijdje geraakt ook Windows-7 'vervuild'. Mijn eigen schuld vanwege:
- uitproberen nieuwe programma's
- te snel iets aanpassen etc.

Aanpak (ik ben hier wel een leek in!!):D
(1) werken met een 'image'
(2) programma's die een virtuele omgeving creëren (Illusion - SteadyState etc)

(1) 'image'-vragen
Welk systeem:
- systeem-herstel van Windows-7 zelf
- Acronis True Image of andere
Mss meteen een verwijzing erbij met een install-for-dummies (en vooral hoe later te gebruiken)?;)
(2) 'virtuele-omgeving'-vraag: welke programma's kan ik gebruiken
de Illusion-versie die ik heb, werkt niet op Windows-7 en idem dito voor het MS-programma SteadyState (enkel XP & Vista). Er wordt gesteld dat Windows-7 soortgelijke capaciteiten in zich draagt, maar die gebruiken, lijkt mij eerder weggelegd voor mensen die daar alle dagen mee bezig zijn.
Gewenste vereisten:
- freeware
- eenvoudig (ben leek)
- liefst met de mglhd dat bepaalde files wél def. gewijzigd kunnen worden (bv. Word-bestanden)
Eigen bevindingen:
Wat rondsurfen bracht mij bij volgende programma's (maar ik zou niet graag alles her-installeren om dan te bemerken dat dit of geen programma toch niet je dat is ..)
(a.) Returnil Virtual System
is similar to Windows SteadyState. It caches all changes made to the system on a virtual storage disk instead of the actual partition, and then reverts back to the original states when the computer is rebooted. When the protection is turned on, the user operates the system in a virtual environment, so anything that is done on the system happens in the virtual environment, not in the real PC. If the computer gets infected with Malware, all that needs to be done is simply reboot the PC to erase all changes.
Once restarted, the system is restored to the original state, as if nothing ever happened. When the Virtual System Protection is OFF, the system accepts all changes so you can install or remove programs, save documents alter configurations and so on.
Returnil Virtual System is available as a freeware as well as a commercial version.

Returnil Virtual System is a virtualization technology that protects the computer from unwanted changes made by unauthorized persons or malware by caching all changes made to the system on a virtual storage disk instead of the actual partition. When the protection is turned on, the user operates the system in a virtual environment, so anything that is done on the system happens in the virtual environment, not in the real PC. If the computer gets infected with Malware, all that needs to be done is simply reboot the PC to erase all changes. Once restarted, the system is restored to the original state, as if nothing ever happened.
Whenever you need protection just turn on Session Lock to enter the virtual environment. In this mode you are free to try out any software or make any changes without fear of causing damage to the system. When the Virtual System Protection is OFF, the system accepts all changes so you can install or remove programs, save documents alter configurations and so on.
Returnil Virtual System installs several additional tools of which two noteworthy are the Anti-Execute and Real System Auto-Run control.
The Anti-Execute is like a firewall for programs. Just like a firewall prevents data from flowing in and out of the computer unless the user permits it
The Anti-Execute tool prevents running of programs until the user allows it, providing additional level of protection. Just like firewall you can set rules for each application and Anti-Execute won’t ask you again.
The Real System Auto-Run control allows you to control which application will auto start during Windows booting. Similar to the Msconfig tool of Windows but provides more information on each auto run application.
Returnil Virtual System is advantageous than conventional virtualization techniques where an entire machine has to be created on top of another operating system to keep software and changes isolated from the host system. RVS gives you the luxury of trying out new tools and carrying out experiments on your actual OS without the fear of causing adverse changes to the system.
Returnil Virtual System is available as a free tool as well as in a paid commercial version.
(b.) Wondershare Time Freeze Free
is a software that essentially freezes your computer in time by allowing you to install software, run application and surf the Internet, and then roll back any changes you made to the system after you are done. Like Windows SteadyState and Returnil Virtual System, Time Freeze creates a virtual environment for the system partition and caches to it any changes you make to the system. These changes disappear when you reboot your computer.
After the system protection is enabled, your computer runs the virtual system and all operations in the system partition will disappear after system reboot. If you want to save your operations, just drag the button to "Off", and the data produced in the virtual system will be transferred to the actual system. Wondershare Time Freeze also has a Folder Protection feature that lets you either prohibit others to access protected folders or prohibit changing files in them. You can password protect any number of folders.Time Freeze 1.0 is available free of charge. The more recent Time Freeze 2.0 protects additional areas like MBR and USB stick, and supports 64-bit Windows. Time Freeze 2.0 is priced at $39.

Wondershare Time Freeze Free is a software that essentially freezes your computer in time by allowing you to install software, run application and surf the Internet, and then roll back any changes you made to the system after you are done.
Wondershare Time Freeze is different from Windows system restore. Unlike system restore, Time Freeze creates a virtual environment for the system partition and caches to it any changes you make to the system. These changes disappear when you reboot your computer. This means that you can test software, run codes and never worry about damaging your Windows system. This also keeps you protected from viruses, spyware, Trojans and other malicious threats.
After the system protection is enabled, your computer runs the virtual system and all operations in the system partition will disappear after system reboot. If you want to save your operations, just drag the button to "Off", and the data produced in the virtual system will be transferred to the actual system.
Wondershare Time Freeze also has a Folder Protection feature that lets you either prohibit others to access protected folders or prohibit changing files in them. You can password protect any number of folders.
Wondershare Time Freeze (http://www.disk-utilities.com/time-freeze-free/) is like Returnil Virtual System (http://www.instantfundas.com/2009/04/returnil-virtual-system-undo-button-for.html) and Microsoft SteadyState (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=d077a52d-93e9-4b02-bd95-9d770ccdb431&displaylang=en) and somewhat similar to Comodo Time Machine (http://www.instantfundas.com/2010/01/comodo-time-machine-better-alternative.html).
(c.) Deep Freese (Faronic) (Commercial-ware)
is available not only for Windows but also Mac OS X, and SUSE Linux operating systems which allows system administrators to protect the core operating system and configuration files by restoring a computer back to its original configuration each time the computer restarts.
To make any change permanent, the system administrator must 'thaw' the protected partition by disabling Deep Freeze, and then 'freeze' it again by re-enabling Deep Freeze.
Deep Freeze can encompass multiple drives, including removable drives under its protection, and supports remote deployment on a network. The software has an extensive set of features, the full list of which can be read here (http://www.faronics.com/en/Products/DeepFreeze/DeepFreezeKeyFeatures.aspx).
Deep Freeze is priced at $38 for the Standard edition and $66 for the Enterprise edition. Time limited evaluation versions are available at their website.

Wat kiezen (of andere keuzes maken)?

Alvast bedankt

13 February 2011, 21:45
Een image maak je op het moment dat je net je besturingssysteem en alle noodzakelijke programma's erbij hebt gezet, instellingen voor mail, netwerk etc, dus systeem klaar voor de 'actie'.
Zorg ervoor dat opslag van documenten, muziek of andere op een andere partitie dan je systeem terechtkomen en daar ook blijven en je hebt enkel die éne partitie te back-uppen.

Wat Windows 7 Back-up betreft, het maken ervan duurt al wat, over het terugzetten heb ik nog geen ervaringen opgedaan, maar dat zal evenredig zijn.

Acronis True Image werkt zeker, en in de nieuwste versie Home 2011 kan die, behalve zijn eigen image (*.tib-bestand) ook de Windows 7 Back-up voor je terugzetten!
Bovendien heb je daar ook de mogelijkheid om continu je image bij te laten werken of een online back-up te maken. Naargelang de grootte van je installatie moet je rekenen op 15-45 minuten per transactie. Voor de prijs moet je 't niet laten, nog geen 50 euro.
Ik gebruik het al sinds Acronis True Image 8, toen nog met Windows 98, en heb sindsdien amper moeten herinstalleren.

De software die je daar aanhaalt is (voor mij) onbekend, mogelijk ook enkel Engelstalig, terwijl je voor Acronis ook de NL versie kan vinden.

13 February 2011, 22:29
Onlangs is er nog een topic gestart over een "Goede backup software (http://www.minatica.be/threads/73543-Goede-backup-software-maar-welke?)". Misschien vind je daar ook nog nuttige tips.

13 February 2011, 23:14
Nog even vermelden ivm Acronis True Image: er is daar een functie 'try and decide'. Activeer je deze wordt vanaf dan alles bijgehouden wat veranderd. Bij het afsluiten van de pc of als je terug op de knop drukt heb je de keuze: ofwel hou je alle veranderingen definitief bij, of je gaat terug naar de oorspronkelijke stand van voor je de 'try and decide' functie activeerde. Erg handig als je veel sofware dingen wil uittesten(y)