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Discussie: Spam

  1. #1
    10 May 2005
    249 keer in 180 posts


    Heb het zelf nog niet geprobeert maar vond dit op het internet...

    SPAM Banning!

    By: LeeT aka Victor

    Are you tired of getting email spam and you try to unsubscribe but the crap keeps coming back? Well I'm going to show you one way to getting rid of spammers. When you read this you might think oh well this is to much trouble I'll just delete them. Well that's fine but if everyone would work together to do this same method we could have them delt with permenently. If everyone refuses to help and is going to just leave it up to the email companies to do this then we will never get rid of them. So how about we get started?

    Things you will need:

    SmartWhois which you can get off my website under security and whois tools. http://www.underground-security.com/...p=getit&lid=99

    An email account of course the deminstration will be from a yahoo and hotmail account.

    After you have installed this program make sure it's closed and not running. Drag and drop the SW3.exe file into the directory of the program in program files. Replace it when asked. Open the program and have it running just minimize it for now.

    Hotmail Directions:

    Go to your hotmail account after you have signed into your email if you look at the top left you will see an Options link. Click on this link. Once you are in the options settings look at the left and click on Mail. Then in the middle of the page click on Mail Display Settings. After you have gotten to this page you will see
    Message Headers When reading a message the Basic setting displays the sender's and recipients' names, the date, and the subject. The Full setting displays additional routing information that may be useful for tracing messages. The Advanced setting displays complete MIME headers (for power users).
    Put the header to full and click the ok button. Next go to the spam email that you want to have taken care of. At the top of your emails you will notice a lot of junk. You might be wondering what this is. Well let me explain. This is the information that was processed when the email was sent to you. Showing the IP Address from the sender and so forth. In the email once you are in there you will see something like so.
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Received: from qz5.dermwe.com ([]) by mc3-f3.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.211); Wed, 9 Feb 2005 03:37:56 -0800
    X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jEE7baFe//EahNGvPuUdc86SlapOhhBB9Y=
    Return-Path: spcldly@fke.dewope.com
    X-OriginalArrivalTime: 09 Feb 2005 11:37:56.0316 (UTC) FILETIME=[CC7979C0:01C50E9B]
    At the very beginning you will notice the Received: from qz5.dermwe.com. That is who sent this email to you. Next you will see the IP Address If you take this IP Address and put it into your smartwhois program. Then at the right of this program click on Query and then As IP / Host. This will do a whois on the actual IP Address and give you some information about it. When you see all the information you will see a tech support email and sometimes a report abuse email. That is who you need to email to report them for spamming. What I suggest you do is get your compose open in your email and type something like this. First copy and paste the email header from that spammer into a new email compose like so and then write as follows.
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Received: from qz5.dermwe.com ([]) by mc3-f3.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.211); Wed, 9 Feb 2005 03:37:56 -0800
    X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jEE7baFe//EahNGvPuUdc86SlapOhhBB9Y=
    Return-Path: spcldly@fke.dewope.com
    X-OriginalArrivalTime: 09 Feb 2005 11:37:56.0316 (UTC) FILETIME=[CC7979C0:01C50E9B]
    I'm sorry to be a bother to you guys, but I have been receiving many emails from this certain person or persons for quite some time now. I have tried to unsubscribe from them many times and this does me no good. Being that you are the Internet Service Provider of this IP Address then I feel that you are some what responsible for this happening. Email spam has become a live sentence for thoughs prosecuted. This is a very serious matter and needs to be resolved now. Having my email spammed for no reason without me subscribing to anything is against the law and very illegal. You already know what you need to do to have this problem taken care of. Please don't make me have to email you again about this problem. The next time I email you I will be contacting a lawyer if this happens again. Have a nice day.
    99% of the time when you mention illegal or lawyer the problem will be taken care of within 24 hours or maybe even within a couple hours. So don't worry about having to really get a lawyer because it won't be needed. Email spamming is against the law and as of not long ago anyone prosecuted for email spamming gets life in prison. So this is a very serious matter and they will have it taken care of by banning the person from their internet service. That doesn't mean the person won't go get another Internet service provider and do this again. But the more times someone turns in a person for email spamming the less and less email providers they will have left to spam from. So if we all work together we can stop this crap for good. The power of team work is what we need.

    Yahoo Directions:

    Ok go to your email account in yahoo. At the right of the page you will see Mail Options. Click on this link. After you are there you will see General Preferances. After you have gone there you will see
    Show brief headers on incoming messages (recommended)
    Show all headers on incoming messages
    pick the all headers on incoming messages and save your preferances. After you have done this go to the spam email that you got from this spammer. At the top of the page you will see something like so on the 5th line down.
    Received: from (EHLO stormpay.com) ( by mta134.mail.re2.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sat, 05 Feb 2005 17:10:58 -0800
    This is where the email came from the is the IP Address of the sender of this email. If you take this IP Address and put it into your smartwhois program. Then at the right of this program click on Query and then As IP / Host. This will do a whois on the actual IP Address and give you some information about it. When you see all the information you will see a tech support email and sometimes a report abuse email. That is who you need to email to report them for spamming. What I suggest you do is get your compose open in your email and type something like this. First copy and paste the email header from that spammer into a new email compose like so and then write as follows.
    Received: from (EHLO stormpay.com) ( by mta134.mail.re2.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sat, 05 Feb 2005 17:10:58 -0800
    I'm sorry to be a bother to you guys, but I have been receiving many emails from this certain person or persons for quite some time now. I have tried to unsubscribe from them many times and this does me no good. Being that you are the Internet Service Provider of this IP Address then I feel that you are some what responsible for this happening. Email spam has become a live sentence for thoughs prosecuted. This is a very serious matter and needs to be resolved now. Having my email spammed for no reason without me subscribing to anything is against the law and very illegal. You already know what you need to do to have this problem taken care of. Please don't make me have to email you again about this problem. The next time I email you I will be contacting a lawyer if this happens again. Have a nice day.

    99% of the time when you mention illegal or lawyer the problem will be taken care of within 24 hours or maybe even within a couple hours. So don't worry about having to really get a lawyer because it won't be needed. Email spamming is against the law and as of not long ago anyone prosecuted for email spamming gets life in prison. So this is a very serious matter and they will have it taken care of by banning the person from their internet service. That doesn't mean the person won't go get another Internet service provider and do this again. But the more times someone turns in a person for email spamming the less and less email providers they will have left to spam from. So if we all work together we can stop this crap for good. The power of team work is what we need.

    Just about any email client has an option to view headers you just have to search threw the settings to find it. It's there somewheres if not then contact your email provider and ask them how you view the full header of your emails. Please be sure to share this tutorial to anyone you know that hates spam. Lets all work together and have this taken care of. Since our governments won't do it I guess it's up to the users to take care of this problem!
    In plaats van smartwhois te gebruiken kan je misschien dit freeware prog gebruiken http://www.gena01.com/win32whois/
    Ik zou wel rwhois uitschakelen in opties in de laatste versie want dat is beta en werkt nog niet zoals het moet. Bij mij toch niet
    Laatst gewijzigd door Mosquitos; 31 December 2006 om 11:45

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